Welcome to AG Southwest Crop & Rainfall Insurance:
AG Southwest is an independent crop insurance agency.  Our agency offers different types of insurance for farmers and ranchers all across the nation. We stay on top of the latest changes in the crop insurance industry, while educating our customers about their insurance policies and options.  We strive to put our clients' needs first by providing excellent customer service.  If you are interested in any services we offer, please contact us at 866.936.2767.
AGSW Announcements
Upcoming Deadlines:

December 1st - Pasture Rangeland Forage
PRF Rainfall/Drought Insurance

February 15th/28th - Crop Insurance for Spring 

planted crops like Corn, Grain Sorghum, Cotton, Soybeans, etc.

July 15th - Annual Forage Insurance for Fall & Spring planted Forages (Wheat/Oats/Rye/Forage Sorghum/ Sudan)

September 30th - Wheat/Oats (For Grain) Crop Insurance

National Newswire

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Texas USDA Newswire
Market Snapshot
Quotes are delayed, as of July 27, 2024, 05:27:12 AM CDT or prior.
Local Weather
Cattle Post Mixed Trade, with Feeders Rallying -

Live cattle futures saw mixed trade on Friday, with contracts anywhere from 37 cents lower to 50 cents higher. Cash trade was quiet this week, with

Soybeans Collapse on Friday as Bulls Limited Ammo Dries Up -

Soybeans gave back all of the gains in the August contract for this week and most of November’s on Friday, as contracts fell 28 to 38 ½ cents

Hogs Mixed on Friday -

Lean hogs closed out the Friday session with contracts mixed, anywhere from 30 cents lower to 40 cents higher. The USDA National Base Hog price was

Wheat Fall to New Low on Friday -

The wheat complex was in near free fall mode heading into the weekend, with losses across the three exchanges. Chicago SRW futures were down 13 to

Cotton Heads Lower on Friday -

Cotton futures were pulled lower on Friday, as contracts were down 72 to 116 points on the day. The outside markets had some effect, as crude as

Corn Gives Back Gains on Friday as Bears Resume Selling -

Corn futures ended the Friday session with losses 10 to 11 ½ cent losses across most contracts. The weekly gain for September was 4 cents as Dc was

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The CME Group Intercontinental Exchange